How to properly use TikTok short videos for brands
It’s fast. It’s funny. It’s surprising: TikTok is one of the most downloaded apps in the world.
What is Discord?
Discord has been around since 2015 and was founded in the USA. Basically, it is an online service for communication while gaming on the computer.
Instagram interaction trends: these are the news you need to know!
Instagram photos have a 23% higher average interaction rate than photos posted on Facebook.
Facebook advertising boycott: Volkswagen joins in
In response to the lack of restrictions on hate comments on Facebook, numerous companies have now decided to stop their advertising activities on the platform for the time being. Under the hashtag #Stophateforprofit, companies and users speak out against discriminatory statements and hate comments. Subject of the boycott Since its beginnings, Facebook has repeatedly been […]
NFT & Web 3.0
Last year, Mark Zuckerberg launched the “Metaverse” project. This project is about the creation of a virtual world in which people can live and work digitally. To this end, a technology is to be developed that will make it possible to make the entire Internet “walkable”. With the help of virtual reality, people should be […]
Campaign for Arteon R Shooting Brake
In the latest campaign for the Arteon R Shooting Brake, brand testimonial Mark Keller poses the question of his personal definition of success.
7 Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement
With over one billion users and 500 million daily users, Instagram is one of the absolute leaders in social media marketing. According to a study by Forrester Research, posts on Instagram have an average follower interaction rate of 4.21%. That’s the equivalent of 58 times a post on Facebook. However, a high follower count does […]
The Corona pandemic has seen us through 2021, bringing new behaviors to social media. The main reason for this is the increase in media consumption. With more and more people spending more time on social platforms, building an online community for brands has never been more important. In the following article, we take a look […]
Instagram: An overview of how the algorithm works
In 2016, Instagram users missed 70% of all posts and 50% of their acquaintances’ posts. To optimize this, Instagram has developed an algorithm that decides what content to see when you open the app. Accordingly, the algorithm is responsible for which posts appear first in the newsfeed and in which order they are placed on […]
Social Media Trends 2021
This year, we’re looking at Social Media Trends 2021 in a special context, because 2020 was pretty much turned on its head. For example, the Corona crisis and resulting lockdowns have impacted online user behavior, as well as the content strategies of companies and brands. We take a look at the latest developments and present […]