Instagram Feed & Instagram Story: These differences matter

Instagram Feed vs. Instagram Stories: Wir erklären dir den Unterschied!

Since their launch, Instagram Stories have established themselves as a content format in such a way that it’s hard to imagine the visual-driven platform without them. But the Instagram feed also remains an important place to present yourself to users. We will compare both tools and show you the most important functions and possible uses.

Instagram Feed: The most important functions at a glance

The Instagram feed of a company or creator serves as a figurehead, because it reflects the own visual identity. All contributions are collected there, which can be retrieved by users at any time. For this reason, the overall design and interaction of individual posts should not be ignored when posting regularly. At the same time, the profile in the description contains all the important information that should always be kept up to date.

Besides these factors, the Instagram feed offers many opportunities to optimize the marketing of its posts. Whether it’s hashtags or location or people tagging — ideal use also increases the likelihood of being suggested as a recommendation in the Explore feed, generating even more reach. Especially for reaching new target groups, the influence of the Explore Feed is enormous.

Beispiel eines einheitlichen Designs im Feed von @aperolspritz.
Example: This is how the Instagram feed can look individual and with a uniform design. @aperolspritz

High-quality content produced in line with the platform is just as crucial. Video content in particular is currently being played out more frequently in the Explore feed together with carousel posts, thus increasing the organic build-up of followers.

Instagram Stories – The Success Format

More than half of all Instagram users consume Instagram Stories on a daily basis. A particularly positive aspect is that the content is usually viewed all the way to the end. Due to this intensive use, the tool is becoming more and more attractive and has become a central element of professional social media strategies.

Compared to content in the Instagram feed, Stories are only viewable for 24 hours. Each story element comprises 15 seconds and is displayed in portrait and full screen on the respective end device. After the 24 hours have expired, stories can be archived as part of highlights and can still be accessed via the profile. If Stories are published regularly, the profile will appear again and again in the Story bar of the users.

Instagram story tools, such as polls, creative GIFs, or quiz boxes, often achieve high levels of interaction. Unlike posts on the Instagram feed, viewers of Stories are mostly followers who have already been acquired. Therefore, Stories are a good option to communicate with loyal fans and strengthen the bond with them.

In the meantime, more “authentic” insights are provided there and these are also expected due to the learned viewing habit. These include behind-the-scenes footage from photo shoots or video shoots, or everyday scenes from an influencer’s life. Above all, however, a creative approach to playful story elements and recurring formats are popular with social media users.

Instagram Stories –  Das Erfolgsformat

Mehr als die Hälfte aller Instagram NutzerInnen konsumieren täglich Instagram Stories. Besonders positiv hervorzuheben ist dabei, dass die Inhalte in der Regel bis zum Ende angesehen werden. Aufgrund dieser intensiven Nutzung, gewinnt das Tool immer mehr an Attraktivität und ist zu einem zentralen Element professioneller Social Media Strategien geworden.  

Im Vergleich zu den Inhalten im Instagram Feed, sind Stories nur 24 Stunden aufrufbar. Jedes Story-Element umfasst 15 Sekunden und wird auf dem jeweiligen Endgerät hochkant und im Vollbild angezeigt. Nach Ablauf der 24 Stunden, können Stories im Rahmen von Highlights archiviert und über das Profil weiterhin abgerufen werden. Werden Stories regelmäßig veröffentlicht, erscheint das Profil immer wieder in der Story-Leiste der NutzerInnen.

Durch Instagram Story-Tools, wie Umfragen, kreative GIFs oder Quiz-Boxen, erreicht man häufig hohe Interaktionen. Anders als bei den Beiträgen im Instagram Feed, handelt es sich bei ZuschauerInnen der Stories meist um bereits gewonnene Follower. Daher sind Stories eine gute Option, um mit treuen Fans zu kommunizieren und die Bindung zu ihnen zu stärken. 

Mittlerweile werden dort “authentischere” Einblicke geliefert und diese durch die gelernte Sehgewohnheit auch erwartet. Dazu zählen “Behind the Scenes”-Aufnahmen von Foto-Shootings oder Video-Drehs oder ganz alltägliche Szenen aus dem Leben eines Influencers. Vor allem aber ein kreativer Umgang mit den spielerischen Story-Elementen sowie wiederkehrende Formate sind bei Social Media NutzerInnen beliebt.

Beispielbild von dem neuen Adidas Sportschuh, wie dieser in den Instagram Stories angeteasert wird.
This is how the combination of the two tools can look on the Instagram platform. @Adidas introduces the new shoe in the story and shares more information in the post below."
Vorstellung mit genaueren Informationen über den neuen Sportschuh von Adidas.

Instagram Feed or Instagram Story: Which tool is more effective?

The best case scenario is that the use of Instagram Stories and the use of the Instagram feed should be combined and coordinated. In this way, both can be used optimally and the content can constantly complement each other. For example, if new products are first announced in stories, they could then be further explained in the feed and placed in the long term. Of course, the concrete implementation always depends on the respective individual objective, which you should never lose sight of in social media marketing.

Author: Sylvia Muschalski

Instagram Feed & Instagram Story: These differences matter

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