WahlMatch ARD MoMa

Three voters have to find their perfect election match out of 6 candidates for the Bundestag from CDU, FDP & Co. The special thing about it: The voters do not know who belongs to which party – because they are separated from each other by a wall.

Together with WDR, we developed the Wahlmatch format and produced it for ARD Morgenmagazin shortly before the 2021 federal election.

Every voter has his or her personal issue of the heart with which the politicians are confronted. In each of the 4 rounds, up to two candidates for the Bundestag are eliminated. In just a few words, they must be able to convince with their content. The three episodes appeared on Instagram, YouTube, in the ARD Mediathek and on linear TV on ARD.

WahlMatch ARD MoMa Impressions
WahlMatch ARD MoMa Impressions

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