City of Cologne

For the city of Cologne, we work in social media communication and for the city’s employer brand.

In order to create a basis for successful cooperation, we first provided the social media team of the City of Cologne with strategic and operational input for the operative implementation of social media activities within the framework of workshops. We then developed a format that turns real employees into our heroines: “WAT IS?

"Wat is?": The format for modern city communication on Instagram

With the entertaining IGTV format, we can address current events and meet citizens at eye level with likeable protagonists. The fact that the format has been very well received is evidenced not only by the numerous interactions, but also by the award of the German Prize for Online Communication (DPOK) in the category “City Communication”, but also by media reports, such as those of the BILD or the Express .

This is how authentic city communication works on social media.


We don't know, we don't need, HER domet! Start with us in an honest, authentic communication.