Sustainable communication & storytelling for the digital today.

Successful and sustainable brand communication requires a strategy, creativity and courage. Together we tell stories that inspire people and create a community out of users. This is TACSY. Social media agency and content production from Berlin & Cologne.





Armed forces

With authentic employer communication to the most successful recruiting channel in Europe.

ARD morning magazine | WDR

Inform and inspire voters with new formats.

Volkwagen R

From performance, lifestyle and the #WayToZero.

Project:Horizon | Wireless

For ARD & ZDF on the roof of Africa: Mount Kilimanjaro.

Williams Racing | Formel 1

“I feel the need, the need for speed!“ — Sir Frank Williams

letzte Blogbeiträge

Social Media. Innovationen. Neue Kanäle. Der TACSY Blog.

TACSY wird Teil der Serviceplan Group
Das House of Communication Köln stärkt sein integriertes Kommunikationsangebot aus einer Hand. Ab sofort wird die Agentur TACSY unter der Geschäftsführung von Patrick Graf

Bist du bereit, neue Wege in der Kommunikation zu gehen? Wir freuen uns, von dir zu hören.